D365 How to extend a form’s init method

[FormEventHandler(formStr(InventValueProcess), FormEventType::Initialized)]
public static void InventValueProcess_OnInitialized(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormControl invQtyCWTotal_DEV;
InventValueExecutionHistory inventValueExecutionHistoryLocal;

if (sender.args().dataset() == tableNum(InventValueExecutionHistory))
        inventValueExecutionHistoryLocal = sender.args().record() as InventValueExecutionHistory;

        invQtyCWTotal_DEV= sender.design().controlName(formControlStr(InventValueProcess, InventoryQtyCWTotal_INT));

D365 How to convert exchange rate

costPrice = CurrencyExchangeHelper::curAmount(costPrice, this.CurrencyCode, purchLine.purchTable().AccountingDate);

However if you are converting a price from the sales table or purchase order to the company currency, using the code below will make use of the Fixed Exchange Rate if it was specified on the Sales/Purchase order.


D365 How to convert Unit of measure

public PurchQty convertPurchQtyToSalesUnit_DEV(PurchQty _purchQty,ItemId _itemId,PurchUnit _purchUnit,SalesUnit _salesUnit )
PurchQty purchQty;
purchQty = UnitOfMeasureConverter::convert(_purchQty,
return purchQty;

D365 How to create a new Free Text Invoice design

  1. Duplicate the FreeTextInvoice report and call it FreeTextInvoice_DEV
  2. Extend the PrintMgmtDelegatesHandler class and name the extension class PrintMgmtDelegatesHandler_DEV_Extension


final class PrintMgmtDelegatesHandler_DEV_Extension

protected static PrintMgmtReportFormatName getDefaultReportFormat(PrintMgmtDocumentType _docType)
    PrintMgmtReportFormatName formatName = next getDefaultReportFormat(_docType);

    switch (_docType)
        // design options available for PrintMgmtDocumentType::VendPaymAdvice
        case PrintMgmtDocumentType::VendPaymAdvice:
            formatName = ssrsReportStr(VendOutRemittAdviceEFT_DEV, Report);

        // design options available for PrintMgmtDocumentType::CustAccountStatement
        //case PrintMgmtDocumentType::CustAccountStatement:
        //    formatName = ssrsReportStr(CustAccountStatementExtModern_DEV, Report);
        //    break;

        // design options available for PrintMgmtDocumentType::SalesFreeTextInvoice
        case PrintMgmtDocumentType::SalesFreeTextInvoice:
            formatName = ssrsReportStr(FreeTextInvoiceModern_DEV, Report);
    return formatName;



3. Extend PrintMgmtReportFormatPopulator and rename to PrintMgmtReportFormatPopulator_DEV_Extension.

final class PrintMgmtReportFormatPopulator_DEV_Extension

public void populate(boolean _deleteAll, boolean _showConfirmation)
    // populate the standard application solutions
    next populate(_deleteAll, _showConfirmation);

    // design options available for PrintMgmtDocumentType::VendPaymAdvice
                    ssrsReportStr(VendOutRemittAdviceEFT_DEV, Report),
                    ssrsReportStr(VendOutRemittAdviceEFT_DEV, Report),

    // design options available for PrintMgmtDocumentType::CustAccountStatement
    //                ssrsReportStr(CustAccountStatementExtModern_DEV, Report),
    //                ssrsReportStr(CustAccountStatementExtModern_DEV, Report),
    //                #NoCountryRegionId);

    // design options available for PrintMgmtDocumentType::SalesFreeTextInvoice
                    ssrsReportStr(FreeTextInvoiceModern_DEV, Report),
                    ssrsReportStr(FreeTextInvoiceModern_DEV, Report),


D365 SSRS sample code – Rename “Invoice” to “Tax invoice”

Add the code below to the code section of the report:

Public Function ChangeTitle(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim strBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder(s)
If s.Contains("Invoice") Then
strBuilder.Replace("Invoice", "Tax Invoice")
Return strBuilder.ToString()
Elseif s.Contains("invoice")
strBuilder.Replace("invoice", "Tax Invoice")
Return strBuilder.ToString()
Else :
Return s
End If
End Function

Use expression below on the textbox:


D365 SSRS sample code – Displaying page number on the body of the report

By default, SSRS does not allow you to display global variables such as page number on the body of the report. They can only be used in the header or footer section of the report.

If you want to display the page on the body of the report, you can use this code. Add the code below to the code section of the SSRS report

Function PageNumber() As String
Return Me.Report.Globals!PageNumber
End Function

Function TotalPages() As String
Return Me.Report.Globals!TotalPages
End Function

D365 – How to back up a database in UAT and restore to a Tier 1 DEV environment

  1. Go to the UAT and click on Move Database > Export Database. This will export the database into Asset Library.

2. Once export is completed, log on to the DEV server and download the bacpac file from the Asset Library into the local drive.

3. Run this command in the command prompt

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin

SqlPackage.exe /a:import /sf:C:\Temp\UATbackup.bacpac /tsn:localhost /tdn:AxDBUAT /p:CommandTimeout=1200

4. While that is running, backup the database in DEV.

5. Rename the AxDB database to AxDB_old then rename AxDBUAT database to AxDB.

6. Synchronize DB